How Bitcoin 'Future-Proofs' Your Freedom From Frozen Bank Accounts
Protect your family's financial freedom and free speech...
Freedom-lovers get as a BitcoinCapitalist...

The Best Bitcoin stocks news, and advisories... to fight fascism, counter censorship, and profit from economic trends.

What's included...
1x BitcoinCapitalist Letter guides and protects you and your family from fascism and frozen bank accounts.

1x BitcoinCapital Monthly Portfolio Review safely leverages Bitcoin and the highest quality crypto stocks.

Plus, 5x BONUSES protect you before chaos, prosper you in crisis.

As featured on...
Hi, I'm Mark Jeftovic.
I'm a Bitcoin OG, freedom-lover, and convoy supporter living in Toronto, Canada.
I started allowing my tech businesses to sell in Bitcoin since 2013, but I bought it even earlier.
Even before that, I was deeply interested in finding solutions to our financial and political system that was vulnerable and ready for the worst kind of tyrant - ie. Trudeau.
Here's how I've been 'future-proofing' my freedom and you can too...
When You Protect Your Freedom by Following the BitcoinCapitalist...
Governments, banks, and corporations can NEVER say:
"Not your bank, not your money."
Bitcoin is your money, your freedom. vote what you want, say what you want, and trade with whomever you like.  

Here's Everything You Get...

When you take the freedom-lovers test-drive of the BitcoinCapitalist...
12x Monthly Issues
1x The BitcoinCapitalist Letter
  • A full, 30 to 50 page dose of clarity - cuts through the lies of the legacy media and gets you the truth. Protects you and your family from fascism, and prepares you for prosperity.
  • Bitcoin explained. And how to make a healthy profit from it - step-by-step.
  • The Clown World Report puts the circus of today's cognitive dissonance on center stage.
1x The BitcoinCapitalist Portfolio Review
  • Safely leverage the returns on Bitcoin by holding a portfolio of the highest quality, publicly traded prestigious crypto stocks. Including the Amazon of Crypto...
  • One "down-to-the-sat" 20 to 30 page PDF report of The BitcoinCapitalist Portfolio. From minutiae to macro-analysis, you get every easy-to-read detail.
  • While the masses are going broke for billions, these 9 names have never left our portfolio. Value-based investing fundamentals are handed over every month.
  • The Amazon of Crypto: This stock is reviled and pilloried by the financial press, yet it should be revered. You get one of the most solid companies going.

Your Bonuses

You'll also get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to everything below:
BONUS #1: Exposed! The full length, original CryptoCapitalist anti-thesis of CryptoCommunism unveils the Elite's plans for 'EvilCoin' and their "red-brick road" to serfdom (45 page PDF.)

BONUS #2: Bitcoin 101: A full training for buying, selling, and HODLing your digital gold. Plus, how to keep it safe with your own personal "lock and key" no one can touch except you. (coming soon...)


BONUS #3: Access to the exclusive members-only web-portal filled with every letter, every note, and alert we've ever put out...


BONUS #4: Protection before Chaos! Get personal alerts to protect your wealth from crypto con-artists, FTX fraudsters, and fall out from bankruptcies. Keep your powder dry (crypto purity before poison).


BONUS #5: Prosperity in Crisis... What and how to buy when there's blood in the streets! Get premium, publicly traded crypto stocks at discount pricing before they pop.

What People Are Saying
"Jeftovic is the real deal. He knew crypto was a game changer back when most business leaders were in denial."

Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge

"Mark gives you a comprehensive roadmap. Not to just survive, ...but prosper in these crazy times."

Charles Hugh Smith,

"The Crypto Capitalist is absolutely brilliant. You've got to get Mark's letter and read him every day"

Steve Bannon, Warroom

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Get started now:

Here's everything you get for $49/month:
  • The monthly Bitcoin Capitalist Letter
  • Mid-month Portfolio Review
  • Alerts, warnings, and advisories
  • Access to the member only web forum
  • The Original CryptoCapitalist Manifesto
Lock in your rate now for just $7*
...and gain immediate access to everything. 
*After the first month, subscription price moves to the regular price of $49/month.
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*The Crypto Capitalist Letter is a premium news service tailored to investors, HNW individuals, business owners, family offices and other capital allocators who need to be well informed in the ascending digital asset economy.

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